Major religious traditions in the modern world

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Reference no: EM132391599

What are some of the challenges facing major religious traditions in the modern world? As nurses, what are some of the particular issues that you might encounter with patients regarding the intersection of faith and healthcare (see the Science and Ethical Issues section of Chapter 12; you can address one or more of the issues noted in this section)? How might the material covered in this course affect the way in which you respond to these concerns?

Select one of the topics from Chapter 12 listed under Modern Influences on the Future of Religion and examine how modern religious traditions are dealing with these contemporary challenges. If you identify with a particular religious tradition, how has your religious tradition responded to the topic you have chosen? Make sure that you support your answer. ( please see attached)

Initial Post Length: 200-300 words

APA format for in-text citations and list of reference.

Reference no: EM132391599

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