Major avenues for achieving a competitive advantage

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132831661

Read the overview below and complete the activities that follow.

Early in the process of crafting a strategy, company managers must decide which of the five basic competitive strategies to employ: overall low cost, broad differentiation, focused low cost, focused differentiation, or best-cost provider. Broad differentiation strategies seek to produce a competitive edge by incorporating attributes and features that set a company's product/service offering apart from rivals in ways that buyers consider valuable and worth paying for. Successful differentiation allows a firm to (1) command a premium price for its product, (2) increase unit sales (because additional buyers are won over by the differentiating features), or (3) gain buyer loyalty to its brand (because some buyers are strongly attracted to the differentiating features and bond with the company and its products). Differentiation strategies work best in markets with diverse buyer preferences where there are big windows of opportunity to strongly differentiate a company's product offering from those of rival brands, in situations where few other rivals are pursuing a similar differentiation approach, and in circumstances where technological change is fast-paced and competition centers on rapidly evolving product features. A differentiation strategy is doomed when competitors can quickly copy most or all the appealing product attributes a company comes up with, when a company's differentiation efforts meet with a ho-hum or so-what market reception, or when a company erodes profitability by overspending on efforts to differentiate its product offering.

The goal of this exercise is to help you gain command of the major avenues for achieving a competitive advantage based on differentiation.

Answer the assignment questions for this exercise after reading about Broad Differentiation Strategies in Chapter 5 and exploring Kendra Scott's website at

Is there reason to believe that Kendra Scott's differentiation strategy has been successful in producing a competitive advantage? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM132831661

Questions Cloud

Relationship between ecofeminism and environmental ethics : What is the relationship between ecofeminism and environmental ethics? What are some of the key points?
Define software architecture : Define software architecture. Compare and contrast a web page and a web service. Discuss what it means for a web service to be interoperable.
What is the accounts receivable balance at December : Sales during the year 60% on account, terms: 10/10, 5/15, n/30 and 40% cash sales 4,000,000. What is the accounts receivable balance at December
Weakness of the auto industry in australia : -Are the Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) that were signed by the Australian government (pages 5-6) responsible for the weaknesses within the automotive industry?
Major avenues for achieving a competitive advantage : The goal of this exercise is to help you gain command of the major avenues for achieving a competitive advantage based on differentiation.
Impact the future of healthcare : How Christian health administrators can apply the mandate from Romans 12:2 to impact the future of healthcare?
Construct contingency tables based on total percentages : (a) Construct contingency tables based on total percentages, row percentages, and column percentages.
What is the intrinsic value of a share of Coke : You expect that Coke will earn a return on equity (ROE) of 24% per annum on all reinvested earnings forever. What is the intrinsic value of a share of Coke
Prepare journal entries for all events described : On November 30, 2016 there were 200,000 Preferred shares outstanding which carry a $5 dividend per share. Prepare journal entries for ALL events described


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