List all of the vessels and heart chambers

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Reference no: EM132315933

Question - Based on the opening case study, discuss the Dangers of Thrombosis, and Describe one approach to its treatment.

Exercise - In the case study, Jocelyn's doctor was worried that the blood clot in her popliteal vein might travel her lungs. List all of the vessels and heart chambers that the embolus would encounter on its journey from the popliteal vein to the pulmonary artery.

Reference no: EM132315933

Questions Cloud

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List all of the vessels and heart chambers : List all of the vessels and heart chambers that the embolus would encounter on its journey from the popliteal vein to the pulmonary artery
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What is comparative analysis of financial statements : What is comparative analysis of financial statements and how do we go about completing such a task?


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