List all of the activism that northerners were involved

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131831718


For each chapter of OB, you should read the entire chapter and take notes (which you will likely use on the respective assignment, as well as in your Midterm/Final Exam studying and other course work). Once you have finished reading the Chapter, you should look at the "Post-Reading Questions" at the end of the Chapter and CHOOSE ONE of the Post-Reading Questions answer. Alternatively, you can choose the "Journal Option" (Option 3 below). For each question set, you should write a 1-2 page typewritten response, being sure to use information directly from the documents themselves. Each answer should also include at least one direct quotation from at least three of the sources referenced in the question (for a total of at least three quotes). Each question set's answer is worth a possible 2 points. Late Assignments will NOT be accepted.

The questions (you should CHOOSE ONE to answer) for Chapter 3 are:

1. Using Documents 1-5, discuss the changes to Northern life that emerged with growing industrialization, being sure to incorporate specific examples and quotes from the primary source documents.

2. List all of the activism that Northerners were involved in during the antebellum period. Then explain the different factors about the North that made this kind of activism possible.

3. JOURNAL OPTION: Write 1-2 pages of notes on all of the documents you read in this chapter and, at the end, write down 5 questions (i.e. phrases you don't understand, "aha!" moments you had, contemporary things that you are comparing the reading to). Please see the Journal Notes/Questions Guide (under "Files" for more guidance). Notes/Questions should be typewritten and single-spaced.

Reference no: EM131831718

Questions Cloud

What is the present value of the lump sum he will receive : Mr. Johnson's grandfather set up a trust fund that will pay him $2,500,000 on his 40th birthday. what is the present value of the lump sum he will receive?
What is net income : If the profit margin is 7 percent, what is net income? What is ROA? What is ROE?
Describe a person close to you or someone you know : In her 2007 article, "The Secret Power of Things We Hold Dear," Sherry Turkle discusses the importance of objects on a personal level.
What should be the overall effect on net operating income : Fixed expenses are $355,000 per month. What should be the overall effect on the company's monthly net operating income of this change
List all of the activism that northerners were involved : List all of the activism that Northerners were involved in during the antebellum period. Then explain the different factors about the North.
How do the children interact with one another : It is very easy to be around children without noticing fascinating aspects of their behavior. Indeed, it is rare when anyone intently observes a child.
Cash flows and financial statements : Cash Flows and Financial Statements at Sunset Boards, Inc.
What is present value of the new drug : What is the present value of the new drug if the interest rate is nbsp 7 % 7% per? year?
Identify the population of interest and health condition : Identify the population of interest and health condition/event to your practice. Specify how you define the population


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