Lewin concept of participatory management

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132609353

The Corona COVID-19 pandemic cannot be handled partially or individually (sectorally). A national strategy is needed to deal with this epidemic because the problem has spread to almost all regions and affects various aspects of socio-economic life. This has become a national and even global problem, which must be handled comprehensively, integratedly, and national mobilization needs to be carried out. Lewin's study shows the effectiveness of participatory-democratic management in managing and changing group behavior under new conditions. Provide analysis based on Lewin's concept of participatory management with the involvement of each individual in the face of the current pandemic!

Reference no: EM132609353

Questions Cloud

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Lewin concept of participatory management : Provide analysis based on Lewin's concept of participatory management with the involvement of each individual in the face of the current pandemic!
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How changes in the sales mix affect the break-even point : What a sales mix is and how changes in the sales mix affect the break-even point. how it is possible for costs to change without changing the break-even point.
What is meant by agile mis setup : What is meant by agile MIS setup? Explain its characteristics and why these are important to support change?
Implementing flexible workforce arrangements : What are the 2 major challenges in implementing flexible workforce arrangements and describe one strategy to address each challenge.


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