Learn about knowledge and information profession jobs

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132407076

In this assignment you will systematically examine and analyze information professional positions you might be interested in seeking when you complete your master's degree. I intentionally choose words "systematic" and "rigorous" to characterize how you will do the analysis. I will introduce the research data analysis method called content analysis that you will learn and use. You will review critically the requirements for the positions and think about your choices of courses and what you need to learn for such positions. You will identify and discuss how the work of people in those positions have the opportunity to add value. This means you will need to use your understanding of the concept of value you gained in a previous assignment. This is not a group or team assignment.

This assignment is intended for you to:

1. Learn about knowledge and information profession jobs through a systematic analysis of postings.

2. Learn how to analysis qualitative data using content analysis, coding scheme, and spreadsheet.

3. Write a professional paper describing this research study and present position profile(s) based on your analyzed data. Include discussion of the activities these position can use to add value for the user.

See this document for complete details on the assignment:.

Here is a sample excel spreadsheet you can review to begin structuring your spreadsheet for your data. -- YOU SHOULD NOT AND ARE NOT REQUIRED TO USE THE STRUCTURE IN THIS SPREADSHEET -- It is an example:

And here is sample entries from a student's codebook -- AGAIN THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE

Attachment:- Analyze Information Professional Positions.rar

Attachment:- Example Content Analysis Spreadsheet.rar

Attachment:- Example of Codebook for the Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132407076

Questions Cloud

What type of critical infrastructure data collection : Identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.
Create a policy to serve as governance document : Create a policy to serve as a governance document that allow employees to bring their own devices to connect to the corporate network
Microsimulation has macro focus and low complexity : Microsimulation has a macro focus and low complexity while having an agent-based modeling with a behavioral focus that often relies on national rules.
Information security-information technology : Research a unique news story or article related to Information Security/Information Technology. Please also provide a link to the original article
Learn about knowledge and information profession jobs : Learn about knowledge and information profession jobs through systematic analysis of postings. How to analysis qualitative data using content analysis,
Protection regarding Viruses-Adware-phishing schemes : Describe your experiences and recommendations for protection regarding Viruses, Adware, phishing schemes, and spyware.
Cyber security planning : Explain in your own words why you believe planning is important. Select one of the following businesses: a large bank, a government agency, or a hospital
Contribution to the practices of information technology : ow can obtaining a doctorate impact your contribution to the practices of information technology? Where do you see yourself after obtaining a doctorate from UC?
Implementing enterprise risk management : Implementing-enterprise-risk-management. Explain what type of visualization the tool provides and how you think it can be used in a business environment.


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Basic Computer Science Questions & Answers

  Child relationships between the processes

Identify that parent/child relationships between the processes.

  Evaluating non-for-profit entities

How is capital budgeting criteria applied in evaluating non-for-profit entities?

  Certain chemical-processing plant

In a certain chemical-processing plant, a liquid chemical is used in a manufacturing process.

  Unique minimum spanning tree

Let G = (V,E) be a connected undirected graph with distinct edge weights. Prove that G has a unique minimum spanning tree.

  How is data integrity at the reader achieved in nbw protocol

What are the difficulties in implementing back-pressure flow control at the communication network interface? How is data integrity at the reader achieved in the NBW protocol?

  Why this method will not only speed up the convergence

The iteration continues until k centers are selected. Explain why this method will not only speed up the convergence of the k-means algorithm, but also guarantee the quality of the final clustering results.

  Difference between a bigfile tablespace

What's the difference between a Bigfile tablespace and a Smallfile tablespace? Explain which you would use for your database and why.

  What is the local-oscillator frequency

An FM broadcast receiver with high-side injection and an IF of 10.7 MHz is tuned to a station at 91.5 MHz.

  How do you find the dot product of two vertices

How do you find the dot product of two vertices

  Greatest challenges facing software engineering

Identify the greatest challenges facing software engineering in the next 20 years. Highlighting the challenges and problems that software engineers have dealt.

  What is the estimated mean of the data

Education The grade point averages for a graduating class are listed in the frequency table below.

  Determine the largest angle ?

This requires no slipping for any magnitude of the force P applied to the joint

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