LANG 1001 Oral and Written Communication for Business

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Reference no: EM132398931 , Length: 1500 words

Oral and Written Communication for Business and ICT - LANG 1001

Middle East College

Topic- AL-Saffa food L.L.C (in oman)

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this assignment a student should be able to:
1. Communicate accurately and reliably with structured and coherent arguments.
2. Evaluate and interpret qualitative and quantitative data; prepare reports collaboratively.
3. Develop basic ICT and business-specific vocabulary, syntax and discourse functions.


This assignment is based on a live case study which is to be undertaken as a collaborative group work. You are required to select any public or private company in Oman (the selected company should be approved by the instructor). Find out how communication takes place within and outside the company and what are the challenges it faces in the field of communication. You need to conduct a survey on the role of communication in the success of this company and assess the following:

• Organization structure-flow of information
• Communication affecting relations between employees
• External operational and internal operational communication
• Barriers faced by the employees in communication
• The role of social media in facilitating internal and external communication.

Analyze and interpret the results through graphs and give your opinion on how and why these changes are taking place. Discuss the importance of adopting modern methods of communication in logistics management (you need to read research articles to support your point of view).

Give recommendations to the company on how to cope up with the changing methods of communication in the modern world.

Task 1:
Group Report

A. Proposal
Write a detailed Research Proposal of about 300 - 400 words for the project topic you have chosen. The Proposal should contain the following:
• Topic
• Background of the company
• Methodology
• Expected problems/proposed solutions in completing this assignment
• Action Plan
• References

It should be submitted by Week 4.

B. Written report

Instructions for preparation and submission of written report:
- Prepare a questionnaire consisting of at least 10-12 questions that will be used as a primary source for conducting a survey. The questionnaire should consist of both closed ended and open ended question (at least one).
- The group should generate a report highlighting the details collected through primary and secondary data sources. [Each report should have an introduction, discussion and conclusion along with suitable recommendations. A table of contents, appendices, and references should be suitably added in the written report]. Please ensure that you use accepted conventions, format and style for referencing. Your grades will be affected if your referencing is inadequate.
- You shall be marked on the data collected, style of writing, structure, layout and referencing of the report. [You may refer to the handouts to follow the structure of the report]. It is important to note that the group needs to understand the data, analyse it effectively, generate conclusions and offer recommendations. For referencing you should follow the CU Harvard Referencing style.
- Each group needs to submit only ONE report.
- Word limit: 1500
- Last date of submission of assessment: Week 8.
- The assignment should be submitted on time. Late submission shall be penalized.

C. Reflective essay
You will be required to write a reflective essay outlining what, for you individually, has been the main learning points from this assignment- eg. What specifically have you learned from doing this assignment? This may be about your role in the group work, about your learning experience in this assignment. It should be written in Week 9.

Task 2:

PowerPoint Presentation

Instructions for PowerPoint Preparation:
- Groups will be marked on creativity, relevance and ability to convey the message to the audience.
- Each group should prepare only one Presentation. Students can either use PowerPoint or Prezi or any other programme to present the research conducted by them
- Each presentation should include: A title- Introduction- Methodology- Findings- Conclusion- References.

Attachment:- Oral and Written Communication for Business and ICT.rar

Reference no: EM132398931

Questions Cloud

What happens if human error occurs into one or more tables : After you create a relational table using the SQL statement CREATE TABLE, you can populate that table with data using the INSERT INTO statement.
What data a new column for your policy would contain : Discussed managing complex systems and chapter 15 introduced the advantages of visual decision support. Discuss how you would combine the two concepts.
Should kpis and dashboards be used at all levels : Please explain what are the most important things to consider when creating a Key Performance Indicator. In your opinion should KPI's and dashboards be used.
Explain how would you build an effective program : Explain Executive Dashboard and how would you build an effective program; include what is meant by the trinity mindset. The response must be typed.
LANG 1001 Oral and Written Communication for Business : LANG 1001 Oral and Written Communication for Business and ICT Assignment Help and Solution, Middle East College - Assessment Writing Service and Communicate
Where will you begin in defusing the situation : A teacher storms into your office angrily demanding, "I want this student permanently removed from my class." Where will you begin in defusing this situation?
ELEC376 Electronic Devices and Systems- Assignment Problem : ELEC376 –Electronic Devices and Systems Assignment Help and Solutions, Macquarie University Australia-Write down the expanded equation for the square wave.
Can the staff member actually demand that you leave : Consider this scenario: The principal has scheduled a conference with one of the cafeteria staff and wants you to plan to sit in on the conference.
How does the quote resonate with you : Managing interruptions will more than likely be your greatest challenge. There is always someone vying for your attention. Your text mentions that.


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