ITECH7406 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing

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Reference no: EM132505358 , Length: word count:1800

ITECH7406 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Assignment - Federation University, Australia

There are new and exciting developments that are taking place in the Business Intelligence literature that is constantly shaping the use and implementation of Business Intelligence and Data warehousing tools and applications in organizations. The objective of this assessment is to:

(i) Provide a forum for students to investigate the practice, approaches and understanding of business intelligence as it is being applied in the real world to realize organizational objectives.

(ii) Allow students to show innovation and creativity in applying SAP Business Objects Lumira, SAP Predictive Analytics, or any other analytical tool and designing useful visualization for chosen dataset.

Students are expected to select a dataset of choice and through research into the literature and analytics on selected dataset, provide answer to one (1) of the following research questions:

1. How can data analytics provide business value to organisations?

2. How do cultural and organisational issues impact the data analytics?

3. What is the impact of data analytics in novel and interesting domains such sports, healthcare and cyber security?

Assessment Tasks - Individual Analytic Report

Each student has to develop innovative analytics and visualization of the selected dataset. The individual report must address the following to answer the above one (1) selected research questions:

a. Explain by using any analytical tool appropriately to develop innovative analytical visualization diagrams the significant insights and patterns that you uncovered by analysing the chosen dataset.

b. Discuss the business values generated from these discoveries.

c. This will be submitted as an individual academic report (1800 words).

General Guidelines -

1. Depth of research to illustrate the BI tools/applications chosen

2. Quality of reference provided.

3. Quality of academic report writing.

Make sure your follow academic report structure with cover page, introduction, use of headings, subheadings, conclusion sand reference section. Please note that all references must adhere to APA style.

Attachment:- Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132505358

Questions Cloud

Development of a computing project proposal : Critical discussion of challenges encountered in the construction of each section of the proposal and Critical discussion of your interaction and use of support
Should the company take the cash discount : What is the total amount that Tenney Company can save yearly throughout new payment policy ? should the company take the cash discount?
What should the new monthly deposits be : After paying for two years, the estimated cost of the wedding has gone up to £30,000. What should the new monthly deposits be?
Record the revenue from cookies has not been paid at may : Sunny still needs to bill the City Council for the cookies at the end of the month. Record the revenue from the cookies that has not been paid at May 31st.
ITECH7406 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing : ITECH7406 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Assignment Help and Solution - Federation University, Australia - Individual Analytic Report
Describe samanthas money habits : Should Samantha be worried about her credit score since she is still in college? Use three adjectives to describe Samantha's money habits.
Calculating current net income and net income : Check your answer by calculating current net income and net income with a 20% increase. PinPoint's EBIT is this year is $20,000. They paid $16,000 in interest
Record the sale of the cake on may : The cake cost a total of $15,000. Stephanie is going to pay the balance owed in June 2019. Record the sale of the cake on May 31st.
Draw a table representing sequential game : Two firms are in the chocolate market. Each can choose to go for the high end of the market (high quality) or the low end (low quality).


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