Is the sarbanes-oxley act too strict or or just right

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Reference no: EM131528388

Essay Assignment

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to summarize ethics in financial responsibilities and to evaluate ethical considerations of executive compensation by writing a persuasive essay. In your essay, take a position on the following topics, and support it with evidence. Evidence can be facts, statistics, and quotes from scholarly articles, reliable news.

Business Ethics sources, or even anecdotal examples from personal experience. You may use any of the readings from this course, or you may find new ones to support your position. At least two pieces of evidence should be used (one for each topic).

1. Do you think executive compensation in its various parts (i.e., salary, stock options, severance packages) funded at the current level is unethical? If so, how would you revise the compensation so that it was just? On what basis would you change it? Does the government have a role to play? If so, in what manner?

2. Is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act too strict, not strict enough, or just right? Explain.

Your essay should be at least 500 words in length, double-spaced, and written in Times New Roman, 12-point font.

Use APA Style to format your citations.

Reference no: EM131528388

Questions Cloud

Determine how you would approach treatment : Review a case scenario and determine how you would approach treatment (e.g., whether you would choose to provide individual counseling or family counseling).
What was your decision-making behavior : What was your decision-making behavior? Identify which behavior and explain how the level of involvement played into your decision.
Group-oriented psychological education prevention : Describe the basic concepts of Group-Oriented Psychological Education Prevention (GOPEP) programs in general.
Discuss the statement of owners equity : Use the following adjusted trial balance of Webb Trucking Company to prepare the income statement.
Is the sarbanes-oxley act too strict or or just right : Is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act too strict, not strict enough, or just right? Explain. Do you think executive compensation in its various parts.
Denise morrison owner of campbell soup : On Leadership Development my project was on Denise Morrison owner of Campbell's Soup
What are the overall benefits of a work sheet : Where do we get the amounts to enter in the Unadjusted Trial Balance columns of a work sheet?
Why did the great depression last so long : Comprehensive answer to the following two questions: Which were the main causes of the Great Depression? Why did the Great Depression last so long
Important function with any business : Marketing is a very important function with any business and is defined by the American Marketing Association as; "the activity, set of institutions


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