Is the following a good interview question

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Reference no: EM132569234

Is the following a good interview question? Why or why not?

Don't you think writing is an important part of any job and companies should provide their employees with proper training?

Be sure to offer a robust explanation of the qualities of a good interview question as you analyze the one above.

Reference no: EM132569234

Questions Cloud

Compare and contrast a perfectly competitive market : 1. Compare and contrast a perfectly competitive market structure with a monopoly in own words.
Write about ethical theory : Apply an ethical theory (such as the one that you wrote about for your paper) to a real or hypothetical general problem or particular case
Particular types of problems : Imagine that you are being held captive by an evil scientist who plans to destroy one area of your brain and then set you free
How should the transactions involving marketable securities : An analysis of Korman Corporation's, How should the transactions involving marketable securities be classified in Korman's statement of cash flows for 2018?
Is the following a good interview question : Is the following a good interview question? Why or why not?
What is the amount of bond interest payable appearing : What is the amount of bond interest payable appearing in Dilawar Imports' balance sheet at December 31, Year 2, with respect to these bonds?
Find what was the amount of accrued interest received : On March 31, 2018, What was the amount of accrued interest received by Louis on March 31, 2018 when the bonds were issued?
Focusing on the writing improvement topic : Re-write the following sentences, focusing on the Writing Improvement topic:
Find new world net cash flow from operating activities : Compute the amount of New World's cash payments for operating expenses. New World's net cash flow from operating activities for the current year is


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