Is a nutritional history included and what does cover

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Reference no: EM132874488 , Length: 2

Find a dietary assessment tool that can be used either generally or for a specific alteration in health.

When you have found your assessment tool, answer the following questions:

Question 1: What is the purpose of this tool?

Question 2: Do you believe that the purpose is fulfilled based on the questions being asked? Why?

Question 3: In what ways does the tool account for the individual perceptions and needs of the client?

Question 4: Is there a nutritional history included? What does it cover?

Question 5: Is the tool easy to use? Why or why not?

Question 6: Does the tool provide enough information to determine next steps or interventions? Explain.

  • The writing assignment should be no more than 2 pages and APA Editorial Format must be used for citations and references used.

Reference no: EM132874488

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