INT101 Life Calling and Purpose Assignment

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Reference no: EM132397182

INT101 Life Calling and Purpose - Excelsia College

COURSE: Bachelor of Business/Early Childhood Education

Learning Outcomes
a) Summarise and analyse biblical material and Christian understandings relevant to work and vocation.
b) Display capacities for ethical self-reflection on their future work opportunities.
c) Developabilitiesinassessingstrengthsandweaknesses, and how these might relate to needs within the world.
d) Appreciate the complexity and diversity of interrelationships between work and faith.
e) Articulate the importance of values and character for being effective in the workplace.

Assessment Task:

Students prepare a 3000-word essay in answer to the question: What difference does it make to see your work as a calling? The essay will address:
• The definition of calling (including critical awareness of alternatives) ?
• The problem of seeing work without considering the question of calling
• Reflection on past and present experience in relation to their worldview and values. ?
• Articulation of a vision for the sort of worker the student wants to be, including consideration of the ethical framework they will use, their approach to wealth, and their criteria for what would represent a meaningful life.


Prepare an essay in answer to the question: What difference does it make to see your work as a calling? Your essay will address:
• The definition of calling (including critical awareness of alternatives) ?
• The problem of seeing work without considering the question of calling ?
• Reflection on past and present experience in relation to their worldview and values. ?
• Articulation of a vision for the sort of worker the student wants to be, including consideration of the ethical framework they will use, their approach to wealth, and their criteria for what would represent a meaningful life.

Attachment:- Life Calling and Purpose.rar

Reference no: EM132397182

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