Insurance institute for highway safety reports

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131836532

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that drivers over eighty have a higher rate of crashes per mile driven than younger groups, and the highest rate of fatal collisions per mile driven (Cruikshank, 2013).Older drivers definitely have a bad reputation in society. Why do you think that they have more automobile crashes? Provide evidence both factual and anecdotal.

Reference no: EM131836532

Questions Cloud

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Effects of aging on the male reproductive system : Talk about the effects of aging on the male reproductive system. what should older adults know about his/her sexuality and sexual activities
Insurance institute for highway safety reports : The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that drivers over eighty have a higher rate of crashes per mile driven than younger groups
Describe a small specific change that you could make : Describe a small specific change that you could make to the code in question 2 that would trigger an error in that phase (and not any previous phase).
Summarize the advantages of computers : Summarize the advantages of computers/software and the use of computer technology in investigations.
Compare a number of investment alternatives for project : A common use of the IRR method by corporations is to compare a number of investment alternatives for a project.
Explain why the author chose to deliver the bad news : Locate a bad-news message somewhere on the internet and share a link here. Discuss which method (inductive or deductive) it most closely resembles and explain.


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