Industries across manufacturing and services

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132613283


Data mining is used throughout the many industries across manufacturing and services. Choose a service and manufacturing organization and describe how each would use this and the benefits the organization would experience.



Reference no: EM132613283

Questions Cloud

Impact of covid-19 on operations : What additional information might need to be included in the Audit Report and communicated to the users of the Financial Report
Why has mckinley chosen to compare opera and hockey : Explain the "parodic phrase beloved of sports announcers: ‘it ain't over until the fat lady sings"'. What does McKinley mean by his reference
Balance sheet and the cash flow statement : Statement infer from the statement compared with the information you can infer from the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement?
Calculate the sustainable growth rate for tgt : For each question, use the most recent financial data on to justify your answer. Also calculate the sustainable growth rate for TGT.
Industries across manufacturing and services : Data mining is used throughout the many industries across manufacturing and services.
Why did uyeda choose to create an opera about hockey : The differences between opera and hockey are obvious; McKinley focuses on similarities. Why did Uyeda choose to create an opera about hockey.
Explain what key audit matters are : 1) Explain what Key Audit Matters (KAMs) are and why they are included in the Audit Report? (260 wc)
Introduction to operating systems design and evaluation : Introduction to operating systems design and evaluation. Computer software systems performance, robustness, and functionality.
What is the accounting rate of return : The equipment will have an initial cost of $601,000 and have a 8-year life. What is the accounting rate of return. What is the payback period


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Basic Computer Science Questions & Answers

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