Importance of professional communications and tools

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Reference no: EM132636129

ICT303 Professional Ethics in Computing - King's Own Institute

Assessment: Case study report

Purpose: This assessment will allow students to demonstrate that they can identify, assess and analyse the situation provided in case study.

Topic: Case study report

Assignment Details:

Assignment description

Write a report on one of the following topics. 2000 words Use a consistent referencing style (IEEE OR Harvard)

Topics: Your topic is the one listed below, based on the last digit of your student ID at KOI.

0) The importance of professional communications and tools and techniques for enhancing the same.

In this topic you need to examine what professional communication techniques and tools ICT professionals need to use to communicate well in workplace. You need to use specific examples in ICT industry
in your discussion of this topic.

1) The importance of personal privacy and how to protect it in face of the emerging Networking Technologies.

Please discuss how emerging technologies such as IOT (Internet of Things) introduces privacy risks and what strategies can companies
adopt to minimise these privacy risks. You can pick an industry where IOT has found significant acceptance and highlight the privacy
aspects in that context.

2) Guidelines for ethical use of the computers and networks in any organisation.

Please discuss the NETIQUETTE technique and explain how it can help professionals to embrace ethical use of networks. You need to use some cases in the discussion to add value to your discussion.

3) Intellectual Property (IP) rules and processes important for conducting high-tech business.

Please discuss how IP rules and processes are important for conducting high tech business in Australia or any other country. You need to state the key definitions used in this essay (IP, High tech business) and clearly highlight their importance using examples.

4) The importance of collaboration and methods for enhancing collaboration in any organisation.

Given that ICT projects involve multi-stakeholder collaboration discuss collaboration technologies that are available for ICT professionals to collaborate on ICT projects.

Attachment:- Professional Ethics in Computing.rar

Reference no: EM132636129

Questions Cloud

Define right of privacy and arrest : define right of privacy and arrest. Examine how each of these terms may apply to the following:
Find an approximate solution within a reasonable time : Since the CI algorithms are able to find an approximate solution within a reasonable time, they have been used to tackle ML problems and uncertainty challenges.
Negligence is unintentional tort : Negligence is an unintentional tort because it happens by accident. Product liability arises when one is injured by a defective product.
Educational system in the western world : Name three social and political forces that have shaped the educational system in the western world?
Importance of professional communications and tools : Demonstrate that they can identify, assess and analyse the situation provided in case study - importance of professional communications and tools
What type of leadership styles and motivational techniques : What type of leadership styles and motivational techniques did you use with your subordinates? Do you think your style has changed over time?
Complete freedom of speech beincomg a bulwark against error : Is his idea of complete freedom of speech being a bulwark against error still applicable today? Answer with textual evidence please.
Describe difference between data analytics vs data mining : There is much discussion regarding Data Analytics and Data Mining. Sometimes these terms are used synonymously but there is a difference.
School safety and bullying : Identify and discuss three inadequacies you believe exist in the American school systems.


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