Implement a strategic initiative

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131510270

Myer Australia, departmental store.

Topic is about implement a strategic initiative and we came up with a new online feature on MYER ONE App called myeR. The new feature allows user to register their ID at Myer departmental store and there will be a 3D mapping in a room... the 3D mapping will scan the user body and user can shop online with MYER ONE app with their Virtual Reality body on Myer One APP. So they don have to physically try the clothes and shop online.. When they use the app, they can see their VR body with clothes on.

So your task now is to come out with a stakeholder matrix.. to identify which stakeholders are important to this initiative (Virtual Reality APP) and why? Justify your answer and use Kloosterman stakeholder matrix/mapping to come out with a diagram..

The word lengths are about 500-1000 depending on the explaination

Reference no: EM131510270

Questions Cloud

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Compute the total dollar interest payments : Compute the total dollar interest payments if long-term financing at 12 percent had been utilized throughout the six months.
Service-level agreements : When companies enter into a contract with a cloud-computing provider, the companies normally sign SLAs. Although such agreements may have unique or company.
Identify the data collection methods : Identify four sources of crime data.Identify the data collection methods as well as the agencies in charge of the data.
Implement a strategic initiative : Topic is about implement a strategic initiative and we came up with a new online feature on MYER ONE App called myeR.
Calculate its yield to maturity and current price : Calculate its yield to maturity (YTM). Calculate its current price. What is his monthly payment?
Explain the characteristics of sexual deviance : Analyze the significance of two (2) characteristics of sexual deviance that are applicable to van der Sloot.
Create a package diagram of the problem domain layer : Create a package diagram of the problem domain layer using the communication diagrams and the CRUDE matrix through the use of graphical tools
What is individualism versus collectivism : What is individualism versus collectivism? Consider with respect to socio-psychological theory and research.


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