Identifying potential candidates for employment

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132874789

What are the advantages to an organization using social networking sites to identifying potential candidates for employment? What are the disadvantages

Reference no: EM132874789

Questions Cloud

What is the effect of the sale on the total amount : A vacant lot acquired for $100,000 is sold for $350,000 in cash. What is the effect of the sale on the total amount of the seller's assets
What factors might impede the advance planning : What factors might impede this advance planning? What measures might be effective in raising awareness among Americans about this important matter?
Communicate an impending companywide layoff : What communication channel would you choose to communicate an impending companywide layoff?
Discretionary effort of employees : Flexible work policies are more about increasing the discretionary effort of employees than supporting employee well-being
Identifying potential candidates for employment : What are the advantages to an organization using social networking sites to identifying potential candidates for employment? What are the disadvantages
Determine the net income : At the end of its accounting period, December 31, 2011, Alpha has assets of $800,000 and liabilities of $350,000. Determine the net income
Components of the patient protection and affordable care act : Identify three components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that went into effect in 2014 and discuss their impact or potential impact on the pr
Characteristics of good customer service : Explain briefly the three characteristics of good customer service. Required to answer. As a future employee in the hospitality and tourism industry, how can yo
What was uniqueness of supply chain design : What was the uniqueness of their supply chain design as it relates to their success (network, process, drivers, management, etc.)?


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HR Management Questions & Answers

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Culture plays a major role in the motivation of employees. Consider that though you have a mix of ethnicities on your team, you also need to be aware of cultural differences including gender, generation, and other categories of human differences.

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Scientists began identifying race as a social construct in the 1960s. A social construct is a shared assumption or idea that has been created and accepted

  Examples of firms that have successfully

Give some examples of firms that have successfully used these applications. Describe how these efforts are useful in terms of strategic human capital management.

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