Identify the targeted skill

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132608607

Discussion a: STEP 1: Identify the targeted skill. Summarize your strengths and areas of improvement in this skill area. Then, identify your desired outcomes around this skill area and write a positive goal statement. Complete the following sections of the template: Target Skill, Strengths, Areas of Improvement, Desired Outcome, and Goal Statement.

Discussion b: STEP 2: Specify the actions you can take to work towards your goals, with specific strategies and practices that you can apply. Identify any potential obstacles and challenges to achieving your goal. Complete the following sections of the template: Practices for Growth, Action Steps, and Potential Obstacles and Challenges.

Discussion c: STEP 3: Keeping your action plan in mind, identify trusted supporters and university resources that can help you in your skill development plan. Complete the following sections of the template: Key Supporters and Supporting University Resources.

Discussion d: STEP 4: Reflect on the connections between skill development and your overall personal, academic, and professional goals. Complete the following sections of the template: Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals.

Discussion e: STEP 5: Complete Steps 1-4 for the two other skills you have identifies

Reference no: EM132608607

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