Identify the connectivity of each relationship

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131529047

Question: The Jonesburgh County Basketball Conference (JCBC) is an amateur basketball association. Each city in the county has one team as its representative. Each team has a maximum of 12 players and a minimum of 9 players. Each team also has up to 3 coaches (offensive, defensive, and physical training coaches). During the season, each team plays 2 games (home and visitor) against each of the other teams.

Given those conditions, do the following:

• Identify the connectivity of each relationship.

• Identify the type of dependency that exists between CITY and TEAM.

• Identify the cardinality between teams and players and between teams and city.

• Identify the dependency between COACH and TEAM and between TEAM and PLAYER.

• Draw the Chen and Crow's Foot ERDs to represent the JCBC database.

• Draw the UML class diagram to depict the JCBC database.

Reference no: EM131529047

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