Identify the benefits of value-based healthcare

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132414603

Theme: Pitching a Health IT idea to investors

Background: You have been given the opportunity to present an innovative Health IT idea to a group of individual investors. Your job is to create a sales pitch to convince any one of these investors to invest money in your idea. In addition to the sales pitch you will also create a "back-pocket" note to assist you with questions the investors might have and a video clip you will use to send out to other investors.

Create a 2- to 3-page script for your pitch that includes the following:

Identify the benefits of value-based healthcare

How your Health IT idea helps with value-based healthcare

Why value-based healthcare is dependent on an interoperable health IT system

Financial incentives influence on the use of Health IT

Why they should invest in your product

Record a 3- to 4-minute video clip or audio recording using your phone or computer application to pitch your idea.

Create a 1-page "back-pocket" note. You should think through what kind of questions these investors would have on your presentation and your idea, then write out your answers to these questions. You do not need to record this in the video or audio.

Compress your script, video, or audio recording, and back-pocket note into ZIP file.

Reference no: EM132414603

Questions Cloud

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How the study will relate to the current literature : This section should clearly articulate how the study will relate to the current literature. This is done by describing findings from the research literature
Identify the benefits of value-based healthcare : Identify the benefits of value-based healthcare. How your Health IT idea helps with value-based healthcare.
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Discuss the technological changes : Discuss the technological changes that have been made since 2017 and how those changes have affected humanity,


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