Identify the benefits of incorporating real-world experience

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132408093

The survey at the link in the assignment below is the actual assignment. The reflection will be included within the survey. This is simply an informational piece detailing what you should include in your reflection that is part of the survey.

Nearing the end of the semester, it is now time for students to reflect on the knowledge obtained in their course(s) and determine the effectiveness of incorporating real-world experience into our academic curriculum. Please complete the survey/reflection to the best of your ability.

Students should;

Be able to apply knowledge and theory gained in their courses of study within current workplace or in their future employment.

Be able demonstrate the application of theory to workplace in written form.

Be able to identify the benefits of incorporating real-world experience into an academic program.

Reference no: EM132408093

Questions Cloud

Calculate total revenues-total costs : Determine how much economic profit you will make this year at your current quantity and price. Calculate total revenues, total costs, and the amount of annual
Focusing on implementing enterprise risk management : Paper will be an annotated bibliography, explicitly focusing on implementing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM).
Advantages and disadvantages of diversification : What is the advantages and disadvantages of diversification and its relationship with risk and uncertainty in agricultural food industry?
What condition will the buyers of good x bear : Suppose City V decides to raise the per-unit tax on the sellers of Good X. Under what condition will the buyers of Good X bear a greater increase in tax burden
Identify the benefits of incorporating real-world experience : Be able to identify the benefits of incorporating real-world experience into an academic program.
Monty is planning a trip to melbourne : Monty is planning a trip to Melbourne, and has decided to purchase a return air-ticket for $2,500 and a carry-on bag for $300 from the travel shop next door
Web browser search for incident response training : Using a Web browser, search for "incident response training". Look through the first five results and identify one or two companies that offer such training.
Were there changes in accounting principles reported : Were there changes in accounting principles reported by the company during the years covered by its income statements? What types of estimates did the company.
Course of action will benefit company in long-term : What course of action will benefit the company in the long-term - eliminating all perks, retaining all perks, or eliminating some perks while keeping others?


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