Identify peformance quality within organization

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Reference no: EM133034239

1. In my view, operations research is used to identify peformance quality within an organization. It uses mathmatical analysis to awnser any questions that pertain to the effectiveness of certain components like, data bases, inventory control, risk managment, ect. Policy analysis helps determine if a program is needed, is cost effective and will it produce a positive impact for the future. It does tis through finding statisical and economical significance. NIJ is the National institute of Justice, it is the largest agency that conducts policy analysis for criminal justice programs. NIJ is apart of the research branch of the U.S. Department of Justice. NIJ prioritizes policy research for programs that can be used to prevent or reduce crime. I beleive that NIJ plays a critical role in policy analysis. They determine if criminal justice programs are effective, promising or ineffective through the website. There analysis is important in determining future policies or programs.

2. Policy analysis focuses on providing a way to understand how and why goverments implement certain policies and what consequences it strives. It also determines whether or not programs are effective, benetfits relating to the program, cost and alternatives to attack these problems. On the other hand, operations research is the scientific process in which data is transformed to make better decisions. The main purpose of operations research is to analyze problems and find ways to improve or find solutions to the problem. The NIJ was developed to integrate knowledge about crime along with its causes and its control through science. They are part of the United States Department of Justice. The main purpose of NIJ is to reduce crime and advance justice through knowlegde and tools. They accomplish their goal or mission by listening to the needs of the field, then they learn ways to make those needs possible with funding research and lastly, they inform the field what they have learned.I believe that NIJ does play a critical role in policy analysis because it can determine which programs are effective and which are not. Also, through policy analysis better solutions can be identified. It also provides researchers the ability to understand the use of research evidence in policymaking and generate an understanding of the values.

3. Policy analysis deals with seeking out available options for implementing laws and goals to help make the government run more efficiently. Operations research deals with the developmental side of decision making. While both of these inevitably have the same goal, one deals more with the government, and the other is a broader definition of the term. They both question if what they are doing is cost effective and can be beneficial for the majority. The National Institute of Justice is an agency of the Department of Justice that deals heavily in research and development to enhance public safety and effectiveness. They are concerned with the improvement of knowledge and understanding crime and justice by using various forms of scientific research, development, and evaluation. It is used to enhance research methods and getting information on why things happen the way they do. They play a very critical role in policy analysis because they are the ones collecting most of the research, they are the ones doing the studies and they have the most information at hand.

4. Policy analysis is the study of what governments may or may not choose to do, and it takes a look at proposals and programs and what goals can be achieved by implementation. Operations research, alternatively, is the scientific process behind taking data and making it into a decisions. The NIJ stands for the National Institute of Justice, which helps the judicial branch of government carry out research, plan and come up with advice and solutions within the field. In general, their research focuses on a number of subjects that may serve to reduce crime and to advance the objective of justice. I do believe that the NIJ plays a critical role in policy analysis. Particularly, those in legislative positions and judicial positions do not have the time and resources to do thorough research on what does or does not work in every area of focus. By having a specific organization carry out the research, condense it and serve an advisory role to policy-makers, the policies being created can be founded off of a thorough understanding of problems, potential solutions and knowledge of what has/has not worked previously.

5. Policy analysis is the process of identifying potential policy options that could address your issue and then developing a sort of comparison to determine which is the most efficient process. Operations research is applying science to difficult issues. Mostly used in management positions to solve systems through science. The NIJ is the National Institute of Justice. They provide research and analysis on the United States Justice department. Their main goal is to grow the administration of justice and to help improve public safety. The NIJ physical and social science research such as peer to peer evaulations. I believe the NIJ plays a critical role in policy analysis because that is one of their main goals. As the NIJ states they are responsible for providing research to grow adminstration of justice and help improve public safety. By playing a huge role in the development of policy analysis then they will be able to provide real change for the public and the adminstration of justice alike. They also are the group who helps to review a specific policy and state whether it is deemed effective or ineffective. By doing so this forces the department of justice to constantly improve. On top of that they research alternatives causing our department of justice to be more efficient and effective then ever.

Reference no: EM133034239

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