Identify federal legislator representing selected zip code

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133616677


Identify 1 global health care issue that impacts health populations in your zip code through law or policy at the state or national level. Ensure it is one that it is crucial that continued funding be approved. You can find this information by:

  • Visiting the Healthy People 2030 website to identify a health care issue
  • Searching the website to determine if there is pending action or established policy supporting the identified health care issue

Research the health care law or policy to determine:

  • The main purpose of the selected health care law or policy
  • The main population affected by this health care law or policy
  • How this health care law or policy affects the population it is intended to serve
  • The impact of current domestic and global issues on this health care law or policy

Investigate the need for advocacy (i.e., support of and strategic approach toward supporting) for the health care issue you selected. Use data from the community health needs assessment (CHNA) report from a public hospital or health facility in your zip code 22031.

Identify 1 state or federal legislator representing your selected zip code. Search by address to identify your legislators using the website.

Determine the selected legislator's level of support for your selected health care issue in your community. If necessary, call the legislator's office and ask an aide what actions are being taken on behalf of the community on that issue.

Reference no: EM133616677

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