Identify artifacts of culture in your current workplace

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131508280

Question: Form small groups to discuss the following topics, as assigned by your instructor:

1. Identify artifacts of culture in your current or previous workplace. From these artifacts, would you conclude that the organization has a strong or weak culture?

2. Have you or someone you know worked somewhere where the culture was strong? What was your reaction to that strong culture? Did you like that environment, or would you prefer to work where there is a weaker culture? Why?

3. Reflect on either the culture of one of your classes or the culture of the organization where you work, and identify characteristics of that culture that could be changed. How might these changes be made?

Reference no: EM131508280

Questions Cloud

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Modified based on instructor feedback : Include the following, modified based on instructor feedback, in your paper:
Identify artifacts of culture in your current workplace : Have you or someone you know worked somewhere where the culture was strong? What was your reaction to that strong culture?
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