Identify and explain the impact of relevant social

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Reference no: EM133264782

Role Play 1 - Sam 

You are working at a secondary school as a Wellbeing Officer. Teachers have reported that Sam, 14yo, has been missing classes, is withdrawn and reacts angrily when challenged. Sam now sits alone in class and during breaks is found sitting in the out of bounds area on his own. This is a change in behaviour as Sam previously presented as happy, engaged in the classroom and had several friends. He has not submitted any homework this year and is no longer an A+ student.

Role Play 2 -Mandy

Mandy (42 years), Sam's mum, has come to the school where you work as a Wellbeing Officer. Mandy works part-time at Coolworths (Supermarket) but cannot get more shifts. David (Sam's dad), is Mandy's husband, he does not want her to work. Sometimes they fight over money. David works long hours and is very tired when he gets home. He doesn't spend as much time with Mandy or Sam as he used to.

You need to answer the following questions relating each to the client case study:

  1. Identify and explain the impact of 2 relevant social / cultural factors which each client in the role-plays, could be experiencing.
  2. Identify which of these social/cultural factors act as social barriers for each client. Social barriers not individual barriers/limitations.
  3. Explain how these factors create disadvantage and inequality for the clients.
  4. For each client, think of 2 organisations in your area that you could, refer the clients experiencing this type of disadvantage / inequality to, for support.
  5. Look at the organisations chosen and report on how they would/ could monitor and review the effectiveness of work provided to this client.
  6. Suggest one area of improvement -how could each organisation enhance client outcomes in this area of disadvantage.
  7. Identify 3 major social and cultural systems and explain how they impact upon the client's circumstances and life choices/ opportunities (positively or negatively).
  8. Research and outline two short term and two long term effects of the disadvantage / inequality the clients' experience and (b). explain the consequences on clients' lives.
  9. Research the effects and consequences of long term unemployment on these clients. Document some statistics and findings.  

Reference no: EM133264782

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