Human resources management employee selection and staffing

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133107246

Reflective Learning Journal #1Overview

Human Resources Management Employee selection and staffing 

Writing a reflective learning journal helps you:

  • bring together theory and practice, 
  • yield better understanding of the course material

For your development as a successful and independent learner, it helps you to:

  • See your strength and weakness as a learner
  • Find out the methods of learning which suit your own learning style
  • Notice how you can improve your learning in the future
  • Gain a clearer picture of your learning progress and so in a better position to plan your learning

 Journal Content

  1. Cover Page: Convey the objective of this journal in a direct, visual manner. A visual communicates the importance of the words that follow inside the journal. Be specific and be purposeful!
  2. Introduction
  3. Content: Length The emphasis is on quality rather than quantity. A major benefit of reflective journal writing is to develop the habit of reflecting on one's process of learning, and a habit only develops through regular practice over time.

Journal Prompts

1) How does what I learn in class relate to my other experiences?

2) What implications does the class (lecture, discussion, group work, etc.) have regarding my learning?

3) What difficulties or challenges have I encountered in applying my knowledge in dealing with everyday situations?

4) What would be the causes for those difficulties and how can I overcome them?

5) What is next?

Reference no: EM133107246

Questions Cloud

Encourage investment within the country : The economy in the nation of Spongto has been stagnant toria long time. The government and central bank of Sponeto have Iton.condeing options for what can be do
Compare different education philosophies : Compare different education philosophies
Selecting and staffing employees for a new fitness club : Write a memo that explains recruiting, selecting and staffing employees for a new fitness club in italy. Please address:
What information do you need to create this plan : What information do you need to create this plan? Are there important limitations to the plan that you may need to include in it
Human resources management employee selection and staffing : See your strength and weakness as a learner Find out the methods of learning which suit your own learning style
Why do workers engage in politics : 1.) Why do workers engage in politics? Is it beneficial to the organization?
Development of effective relationships : Identify three factors affecting parents and teachers that may act as barriers to the development of effective relationships.
Find an example of a bogus : Find an example of a bogus or less than a credible Web site. Please indicate why you perceive it to be untrustworthy.
Show necessary journal entries to record the transaction : Question - Prudent Corporation has a balance of $600,000 in the Bonds Payable account. Show necessary journal entries to record the transaction


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