HS1021 Web Design Assignment

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Reference no: EM132507224 , Length: word count:1500

HS1021 Web Design Assignment - Holmes Institute, Australia

Topic - Entairtenment You have to make a webpage for a cinema company who have choosen us to make a webpage for them

Assessment Title - Web Site Project

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) - It provides students with an opportunity to practice techniques and skills involved in designing webpages using HTML5 and CSS. To design, develop, and publish a web site using recommended design practices. Students will be able to:

1. Understand basic concepts and principles underlying the Internet, World Wide Web, and Web design.

2. Define, interpret and evaluate different Internet, web architecture, standards and applications.

3. Apply web related programming skills to develop web based systems for a particular business scenario.

4. Understand and evaluate business problems related to Web design and suggest possible solutions.

Assignment Specification -

Overview: Your Project will demonstrate mastery of the web development skills and concepts learned in this course. You are a member of a design team at Holmes Media Design, a premier web design and multimedia design firm in Melbourne area. Recently, several local firms have approached Holmes Media Design with requests for websites development. Your task is to analyze the competition and propose a page layout design appropriate for your client's business and target audience.

Assignment Requirements -

The assignment requires that you develop a website for your chosen client. The director of the chosen client is interested in developing a website that effectively communicate to a target audience.

You will build a website with content of your client choosing. You need to work on the followings:

1. Choose Your Client

Your first step is to choose your client. Your lecturer must approve the topic of your web site.

2. Analysis

Your will need to do some investigation and background analysis. Feel free to contact your lecturer with your questions about your client and their business.

a. Determine the top three expectations your client has for the website.

b. Determine the target audience.

c. What opportunity, problem, or issue the website is addressing?

d. What type of content might be included in the website?

e. Locate three potential competitors (or similar websites).

f. Use the Web Design Best Practices Checklist to analyze the competition. For each competitor, note two strengths and two weaknesses.

g. The Analysis Report. Submit a one-page written description of your results for the four analysis steps above.

3. Design

Before you build the complete website, you need to design a sample page layout (Wireframe) to propose to the client. Use any of the following applications to create a Sample Page Layout: Adobe Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Macromedia Fireworks, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, or Adobe Photoshop. Feel free to contact your instructor with your questions about your client and their business.

You should include the followings in your sample page layout:

a. Choose color scheme. Justify your selection.

b. Choose page layout type: jello, liquid, or ice. Justify your selection.

c. Choose font face, weight, and size for headings, subheadings, main content, footer, etc. Justify your selection.

d. Create your own content, including logo banner.

e. Include the URL of your sample page layout file.

f. Upload your Sample Page Layout to the Web.

4. Site Map

Using a Word processor or PowerPoint, draw a flowchart (storyboard) of your web site that shows the hierarchy of pages and relationships between the pages.

5. Required Website Contents

Your website MUST contain (at minimum):

a. One (1) home page and six (6) (but no more than ten (10)) content pages

b. Each page must provide information and value to the target audience

c. Pages must contain appropriate:

Header & footer


Navigation, list (ordered or unordered), links (internal & external including "mailto")

Section, headings, paragraphs, DIVs, id, class

Images, font, colour, background

Block, inline, sizing, border, padding, margin

One (1) video (you are not required to create the video, there are many sharable videos on the Web - chose one that is relevant to your project

One (1) e-mail link

One (1) external link

Appropriate meta tags

d. External Style Sheet

At least one CSS file is to be created to style all HTML pages. Use any CSS properties you deem necessary and appropriate for the presentation. The following CSS properties can be used:











e. Publish Project

Finish publishing your web on the Internet. Please make sure your web site is accessible and has no errors.

Attachment:- Web Design Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132507224

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