HRM 401 compensation Assignment

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM132822556

HRM 401 compensation - Emirates College of Technology Assignment

Job analysis

Collecting job analysis information through one-on-one interviews can be a thankless task. No matter how good a job you do, some people will not be happy with the resulting job descriptions. In the past, organizations often assigned the task to a new employee of HR department, saying it could help the new employee become familiar with the jobs of the company.

Today, if job analysis is performed at all, human resource generalists and supervisors do it. The analysis is best done by someone thoroughly familiar with the organization and its jobs and trained in how to do the analysis properly. (source: Newman J.M., Gerhart B., Milkovich G.T., 2017:114).

Question 1- Define the job analysis and discuss its importance to the organization and its relationship with other HR activities?

Question 2- Based on your experience and knowledge, provide two advantages and two disadvantages of assigning analyzing jobs to a new employee of HR department?

Question 3- Based on your experience and knowledge, provide two advantages and two disadvantages of assigning analyzing jobs to Human Resource generalists and Supervisors of HR department?

Question 4- What criteria would you recommend for judging a successful Job Analysis?

Attachment:- compensation.rar

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In this study, the importance and the relationship with HR activities of job analysis have been discussed, moreover, two advantages and disadvantages of job analysis both for new employees, and the generalists and supervisors have been explained briefly. Also, my recommendation for the most successful criteria for job analysis has been addressed.

Reference no: EM132822556

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