How your interviewee is significant for your study

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Reference no: EM132601686

Assignment: Introduction: This course includes a staged project in which you will evaluate a public policy as identified in the Staged Project 1: Proposal. This project should involve interviewing those affected by the policy. This will reveal gaps between the public agency and the public and prepare you for applying the public value scorecard. In this stage, you should identify who you will interview.

Instructions: As part of your public policy evaluation you are expected to interview a member of the community impacted by the policy or representatives of a community group impacted by the policy. This could be a community resident, stakeholder, community leader, members of a grassroots coalition group, employees of a local business, members of a block club, etc.

At this point, identify who you will interview. Include the following details:

1. Who you will interview

2. How your interviewee is significant for your study

3. A preliminary list of questions for the interview

This submission should be about a page or two in length. Submit this as a Word document, typed and double-spaced.

Reference no: EM132601686

Questions Cloud

How many contracts should be shorted or bought : Assume we have the following information:
Prepare a schedule of cash payments : Wildhorse Company at December 31 has cash $23,200, noncash assets $100,000, liabilities $53,700, Prepare a schedule of cash payments
Complete the table indicating the split of the declared : Complete the table indicating the split of the declared dividends between common shareholders and preferred shareholders each year
Prepare journal entry to record declaration of cash dividend : Guildwood Corporation, Prepare the journal entries to record the declaration of the cash dividend, and the subsequent payment of the cash dividend
How your interviewee is significant for your study : As part of your public policy evaluation you are expected to interview a member of the community impacted by the policy or representatives of a community group.
Peer review on security architecture and design : Peer Review on security architecture and design What does a peer review process look like? When does an assessment require peer review?
Estimate Rooms department revenue and direct costs : The indirect operating expenses and fixed charges were $300,000 and $350,000, respectively. Estimate Rooms department revenue and direct costs
Leveraged data mining technologies : Select an organization that has leveraged Data Mining technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage.
How is present value related to the concept of a liability : Define a contingency and a contingent liability. What is the key characteristic of a present obligation? What are the recognition criteria for provisions?


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