How you would pilot your strategy

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133290401

Case: Community-based social marketing project:

The targeted behavioral change will be to start using an eco-friendly detergent.
Target audience: floor of a previously-selected residential building.

Using CBSM tools, give examples and ideas to be done based on each tool (at least two actions/ideas for each category): (this section is already answered, i will share my answer to this part in the comments section)

Commitment: From Good Intentions to Action
Social Norms: Building Community Support
Social Diffusion: Speeding the Adoption of New Behaviors
Prompts: Remembering to Act
Communication: Creating Effective Messages
Incentives: Enhancing Motivation to Act
Convenience: Making it Easy to Act
Piloting (this is the section that needs to be answered)

Develop a hypothetical plan for how you would pilot your strategy with a small target group

Reference no: EM133290401

Questions Cloud

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