How you would motivate your client to join group activities

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Reference no: EM132393415

Assignment: Describe two (2) activities that you, as the nurse in a long-term care facility, would implement in one day for your client.

Your client is between the ages of 80 to 90 years old, and has early dementia (stage 1). It is your choice of how disabled, physically, your client is. Is he/she mobile without assistive devices or in need of assistive devices, such as a cane, walker or wheelchair, etc.?

• Describe in detail how you would motivate your client to join group activities and encourage active participation.

• You can include interdisciplinary team members to help, if needed, and explain what roles they would play.

• The activities can range from very generic and simplistic to more complex. This will depend on your clients' abilities.

• Describe how long each activity will last and details of how each activity will be played out by the client.

• You may include pictures or a hyperlink to a video that you think portrays your activities.Distinguish the difference between the three Ds-delirium, dementia, and depression in the elderly and how it affects their interactions with others.

• Describe nursing interventions used in dealing with aging persons with disturbed thought processes.

• Identify the three stages of dementia.

• Discover complementary and alternative therapies in working with cognitively impaired adults.

• Identify content to potentially be contributed to the collaborative nursing care planning process.

Reference no: EM132393415

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