How you will evaluate the success of your training activity

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132232279

You are to create a training activity for the job type indicated for your group. Be creative and detailed and make sure that you link the activity to the skill that you want improved. You should also offer a commentary on how you will evaluate the success of your training activity. Obviously, we are not completing the activity, so you won't be able to give real results, but a brief explanation of how you assess effectiveness should be included.

New Barista's at Starbucks.

Reference no: EM132232279

Questions Cloud

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How you will evaluate the success of your training activity : You should also offer a commentary on how you will evaluate the success of your training activity.
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Potential for ethical abuse or conflicts : What are some emerging technologies you believe have the potential for ethical abuse or conflicts that would affect one's quality of life?


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