How you will develop a new team within your department

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Reference no: EM132405468

Assignment: You work for a company that has just undergone a merger. You have been chosen to head up your department and merge two groups into a self-directed work team. How would you work with your peers to lay out a plan describing how you will develop a new team within your department or departments?

It is natural that there will be some confrontations between people. Look at the stages of team development,

Consider the following:

• Come up with a plan and be in agreement with your peers because you have to implement it in your individual departments.

• For each step you take, provide a brief explanation of your reasoning.

• Use the library and the Internet to research the issues.

As a group, present your findings as a 3-5-page (body of paper) Word document formatted in APA style.

Reference no: EM132405468

Questions Cloud

Who does workers compensation cover : Who does workers' compensation cover? How are workers' compensation programs funded? (Programs are funded according to guidelines in each state.)
What percentage of time only one ticket agent is busy : What percentage of time only one ticket agent is busy? What percentage of time a caller will be blocked if the system design does not allow callers to wait
Question - Flowchart the Following Process : Question: Flowchart the Following Process - Payments from customers are received by mail i,e, inside envelopes. Every payment includes: 1. a payment coupon
What role do differing behavioral styles play in a conflict : Conflict occurs when two or more individuals perceive a situation differently and at least one person's perception is that he or she has been negatively.
How you will develop a new team within your department : You work for a company that has just undergone a merger. You have been chosen to head up your department and merge two groups into a self-directed work team.
What performance-based incentives does the offer include : What performance-based incentives does this offer include? It is important to provide the necessary supporting details to explain the incentives and benefits.
What are three approaches to evaluating performance : Senior leadership at Matrix International Corporation now has a strong understanding of the importance of performance management and its value to the company.
How would you measure the activity effect on performance : How would you measure the activity's effect on performance? What do you determine today's employees expect from their employer in terms of career development?
Conduct a swot analysis for an organization : During this portion of the process, you will conduct a SWOT analysis for an organization of your choice (Lutheran Services of America) your submission.


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