Reference no: EM132082173
Question 1:
Our text defines Culture as " the complex whole that includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society. (Mothersbaugh& Hawkins, 2016, p. 41)
Many of you may notice when you refer to "generations", such as Millennials, as segments, I attempt to correct you. When you use Millennials, you're addressing every consumer of a certain age on the planet, regardless of income, family, economy, religion, gender, or culture!
A Millennial female, with a high-school education, living in poverty in San Antonio Texas, will behave in a very different manner as a consumer, than a Millennial male, living in Los Angeles attending UCLA, living with a family that earns over $500k per year. Think not only about the demographics (characteristics), but the culture as well.
Considering culture forces us to better segment.
Describe something in the culture you live in that impacts your consumer behavior.
Hawkins, D. &Mothersbaugh, D. (2016) Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, 13th Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Question 2:
A video that addresses the "why" behind consumer behavior. I hope you find it "discussion worthy"
Question 3:
Surprisingly, according to the text, traditional, brick-and-mortar retail stores are still the preferred method of shopping by most consumers. Online shopping and catalogs are second and third. (Hawkins &Mothersbaugh, 2016)
The main reasons, again, according to the text consumers prefer traditional to online is the ability to touch the products, they don't want to give personal financial information over the Internet, delivery costs are too high, and returns are a hassle.
Amazon with it's Prime option has turned the retail world on its ear.
Discuss how Amazon Prime is addressing these concerns and how it has impacted your consumer behavior.
Hawkins, D. &Mothersbaugh, D. (2016) Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, 13th Edition.
McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Question 4:
In Gordan, in Managing the New Customer Relationships addresses a fascinating new trend in marketing. Chapter four introduces a concept "marketing one through one" instead of one-to-one. (Gordon, 2013)
What does this term mean and provide an example of how you have been impacted by One-through-One marketing.
Gordon, I. (2013). Managing the New Customer Relationship. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
Question 5:
This entertaining video discusses several online marketing strategies. One is "pay per click" marketing, where a customer/client pays each time someone selects a specific site. The video discusses how online marketing has sped up the marketing process.
How, in your opinion, has online marketing sped up the marketing process? Also discuss one of the online strategies discussed on the video.
Evaluate an online crowdsourcing site. Examples include, Dell's Ideastorm, and Starbucks.
Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you review a crowdsourcing site.
Marketing has evolved in its relationship to customers. Marketing to consumers has shifted to marketing for consumers. Marketing for consumers has the power to choose whether they want to create a dialogue.
• How has the organization leading the crowdsourcing utilized consumers to help build its organization?
• How does this option of crowdsourcing influence marketing strategy?
• What is the impact of mobile and social media campaigns on marketing strategy for this organization?
Cite specific examples of these different marketing campaigns in use.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.