How would you decorate and design the interior

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Reference no: EM131503452 , Length: word count:2000

Topics of CHN331 Final Essay

Please pick ONE of the 3 topics below to finish your essay.

1. Please pick up any TWO seal artists from the below 3 schools and provide a full report of their life and seal art achievement:

Zhe school, Wan school or Qi Baishi / Wu Changshuo.

Please attach at least 3 seals as samples by each artist and analyse their artistic feature.

2. Please use a table to compare the difference between Chinese and Western paintings in general. Main features including subject matter, philosophy, colour, media, techniques, artist background, creativity attitude or any other relevant aspect. You must attach at least 4illustrations from both sides with clear captions under each.

3. If you were a Tea House owner, where possibly you will build it? How would you decorate and design the interior? What and how you would serve your guest and customer? Is there any way you can provide some cultural activities such as opera, musical performance, calligraphy & painting live demonstration, with Tea Ceremony?

Please attach some photos to support your plan in each paragraph.

Can you relate the 4 Tea Principles (Harmony, respect, purity, tranquillity) with your own virtue belief in order to promote Tea Art to the general public and younger generation?

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Reference no: EM131503452

Questions Cloud

What makes the poorly written job descriptions weak : What makes the poorly written job descriptions weak? What makes the better job descriptions more effective?
Create a market entry plan : For this assignment, create a market entry plan (entrepreneurial), a market expansion plan for an existing organization.
What is price for a call option using black-scholes model : What is the price for a call option using the Black-Scholes Model? What is the required return on the market using the SML equation?
Do you think that fiscal policy or monetary policy : Do you think that fiscal policy or monetary policy has more potential for influence in today’s market environment? Why?
How would you decorate and design the interior : If you were a Tea House owner, where possibly you will build it? How would you decorate and design the interior
Explain why secretary eric shinseki resigned his position : Identify at least two (2) alternative options for Mr. Shinseki to help resolve the unethical decision-making practices in this case study.
Propose a new product or service for the new company : Propose a new product or service for the new company division. The division should be customer-focused with an innovative mission statement.
You should be willing to spend to assure the sale : what is the maximum amount, over and above what you have already spent, that you should be willing to spend to assure the sale?
Dysfunctional conflict within an organization : Review the following scenario, and then discuss it in terms of both functional and dysfunctional conflict within an organization.



5/22/2017 3:10:50 AM

Student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the complexity of key concepts of history of Chinese art. This essay engages with several elements of Chinese art and its development and successfully explores the complexity of at least one key concept. The analysis contains insights into questions of Chinese cultural identity within the framework of Chinese tradition which are of marked excellence through a highly detailed, logical consistent and engaging argument. Exceptional essay offering ideas which reflect important issues in the relevant field. The ideas are based on sound research which extends well beyond the material covered in lectures and displays a great degree of independent critical thinking. The argument is well supported and referenced throughout. An extensive range of classical Chinese documents correctly used to support arguments. Some critical quotes have been used independently of the material covered in lectures and is highly relevant to the argument. Critical use of research literature. Excellent use of languages to discuss all arguments.


5/22/2017 3:10:20 AM

Choose one topic from the topic list. Word count: 2000 words. Reference: Harvard. All hard copies MUST BE handed over to the teachers in class (tutorial or lecture), DO NOT submit to anywhere else. In order to sign your hardcopy, you MUST get a cover page from Art Faculty Centre (W6A building ground floor) or download online. Word limit: Minimum 2000. DO NOT copy the full topic of the final essay as your topic title, you MUST put down a short version provided following the topic page. All pictures uploaded MUST have a caption underneath.

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