How will guard against these in data collection

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Reference no: EM132631771

Share at least one resource and offer one or more suggestions for online resources. Use the course resources to analyze the situation you experienced. Provide a citation to course resources that you used. Post your discussion and response using the recommended template. Use APA style publication manual in citing all resources, sixth edition is recommended. Respond to the posts of at least one other learners. Cite evidence from research and other sources. For these discussion, you will place yourself in the role of a beginning researcher, and write discussion of approximately 500 words about the material read from the resources provided (text book and Journals) and address discussion questions in this unit, articulating your understand of the topic in the discussion. Your writing will need to be focused, organized, and concise. Address each discussion question in each unit.... and respond to one learner.

  • As you are working through the units you are encouraged to share additional resources that you have found. Resources could be articles, internet resources or text book. This discussion is organized by units. Be sure to choose the correct thread under which to post your resource.
  • This is a research method course, proper citations, references and etc are required or points will be deducted.....APA publication manual Sixth edition will help you.

U2a3 Bias in Qualitative Research

One of the major issues of qualitative research is the need to guard against the potential bias of the researcher during data collection and analysis. Bias in qualitative research affects the validity and reliability of findings and consequently affects decisions. As we saw in the research article you read, the researcher's bias may also be seen in poorly written qualitative research questions. In the study of the topic you selected:

Question 1: What personal biases do you have about the topic?

Question 2: How will you guard against these in your data collection?

Reference no: EM132631771

Questions Cloud

Explain how think journalism will evolve in the future : Explain how you think journalism will evolve in the future. Will these changes lead to an overall improvement in journalism? Why or why not?
Exploring the idea of business communications : Exploring the idea of Business Communications. Feel free to about yourself and how you think you will utilize business communications in your future career.
Who do think ultimately pays the tariffs : Who do you think ultimately pays these tariffs? Is it the foreign companies selling here, American consumers, or both? Explain your answer.
What believe are some of the causes for social inequality : What believe are some of the causes for this social inequality and how it affects the community. Include specific examples of this social inequality in U.S
How will guard against these in data collection : As you are working through the units you encouraged,What personal biases do you have about the topic? How will you guard against these in your data collection?
Compare rational and boundedly rational responses : You will compare rational and boundedly rational responses to a scenario of your choosing. What are the main differences between these two approaches?
Prepare journal entries for the economic transactions : Instructions: Using the following chart of accounts and template, prepare journal entries for the above economic transactions
Calculate the tax offset amount : Advise Yvonne regarding foreign tax paid in the UK for the 2017/18 tax year only. Calculate the tax offset amount - Assignment and Video presentation
How identify the targeted skill : How Identify the targeted skill. Summarize strengths and areas of improvement in this skill area. Then, identify your desired outcomes around this skill area


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