How the selected media can change brain functioning

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Reference no: EM132605250

Assignment: Select one of the following forms of media:

1. Social media

2. Television/Movies

3. Video games

4. Music and/or music videos

Using the selected media, write a 750-1,000-word paper addressing the impact the media has on the cognitive, physical, and psychosocial development during middle childhood. Include the following in your paper:

1. How the selected media can change brain functioning

2. How the selected media can disrupt physical development

3. How the selected media influences social development

4. How the selected media can positively influence a child

5. Briefly summarize how Bronfenbrenner's bioecological systems theory would describe the impact of the selected media on the different systems that effect childhood development (refer to page 37 of the text as a guide).

Include at least three scholarly references

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Reference no: EM132605250

Questions Cloud

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What are some of the health issues associated with childhood : What are some of the health issues associated with childhood? Choose one and discuss ways to treat it. According to Gardner, there are eight theories.
Find financial advantage of discontinuing linens department : In addition, the elimination of the Linens Department, What is the financial advantage (disadvantage) of discontinuing the Linens Department?
How the selected media can change brain functioning : How the selected media can change brain functioning? How the selected media can disrupt physical development? How selected media influences social development?
What the standard hours allowed for october would be : During October the company worked 1,050 direct labor-hours and produced 900 units. The standard hours allowed for October would be?
How long will to wait if do not add any additional money : You currently have $500 and the furniture you want costs $600. If you can earn 6%, how long will you have to wait if you don't add any additional money?
What is the basic earnings per share : On November 1, it issues 240,000 shares. The company has a net income for the year of $2,720,000. What is the BASIC earnings per share
What is the price of the job to the customer : If the cost of a renovation job include permits ($500), supplies ($2000), subcontracted salaries/materials ($4000), What is the price of the job to the customer


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