How the judge was selected for the court

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Reference no: EM132424547

Assignment: Judicial Research

Unit IV discussed judges. To learn more about these individuals who are involved in the court system, select and research a judge who is currently serving on the courts in your state(ALABAMA, USA) or local area. You are required to use at least four sources for this assignment (at least one should be from the CSU Online Library). Other sources could include newspapers, magazines, or professional journals.

Your research could include:

• the background and education of the judge,

• how the judge was selected for the court in which he or she presides,

• the training of the judge,

• challenges the judge has faced in his or her career (this could involve a particular case that was a challenge),

• recent cases, or

• your opinion whether this judge was adequately prepared for the position.

Present your research in a PowerPoint Presentation of at least 10 slides (not including the title and references slides). All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA style.

Reference no: EM132424547

Questions Cloud

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How the judge was selected for the court : Unit IV discussed judges. To learn more about these individuals who are involved in the court system, select and research a judge who is currently serving.
Research arguments for and against privatization of prisons : For this assignment, research and present the arguments for and against the privatization of prisons. Offer your policy position on the privatization.
Justify the value of the arbitration process : If an arbitrator cannot resolve issues provided for in the submission agreement and parties are required to arbitrate those issues, justify the value.
Debate the efficacies of public versus private-based quality : What roles do each play in the quality of U.S. health care? How would the elimination of one aspect affect the other?
Evaluate the importance of the group use of media : Evaluate the importance of the group's use of media to aid in its terrorist activities. Indicate, at a minimum, the group's purpose for using the media.


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