How the given lessons will enhance your career

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131990287

Project: Politics are an inherent part of government and every citizen's life. In this unit, we discussed three types of American policy, domestic, economic, and foreign, and how these policies affect the United States domestically and abroad. The shared powers granted by our Constitution often lead to an overlap in responsibility during policymaking referred to as an invitation to struggle. Once established, American policy often affects other nations around the world. This is evidenced in part by the concepts of isolationism and internationalism. For this assignment, select one type of policy, domestic, foreign, or economic, covered in the unit, describe its purpose and goals, and explain how it affects relationships between the United States and other nations. In addition, discuss how the policy you chose affects U.S. strategy on isolationism or internationalism and how the media influences such decisions. Y Finally, in your paper, you will discuss why the shared power of the three branches of government is sometimes referred to as an invitation to struggle about policymaking for foreign affairs. Your paper should consist of at least three pages. Also, any sources used should be cited and referenced properly using APA formatting.

Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to choose a compensation philosophy that is appropriate for your chosen firm and articulate a rationale for this selection.

There are two aspects to this assignment. First, describe the risks and benefits with leading, meeting, and lagging the market in overall compensation and benefits. Next, choose the appropriate strategy (lead, meet, or lag) for your firm, and provide rationale about why this is appropriate.

There is a minimum requirement of 500 words for the compensation purpose and strategy document.

Consider some of the following factors in your assignment:

1. Payroll expenses are usually the highest expense at most firms. If you lead the market, this expense can be taxing.

2. If you are pursuing top talent in human capital rich industries (e.g., software engineering), lagging the market may keep you from competing for market share against your competitors.

3. If you meet the market, paying average will generally not attract top talent, and in addition, you will not have the labor-cost savings of a lag-the-market strategy.

Any sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format.

Question: What assignments from this course aligned with your profession? How can the lessons you have learned positively affect your career success (now or in the future)? Be specific and discuss how these lessons will enhance your career and workplace success. (The class is Human Resource Management)

Reference no: EM131990287

Questions Cloud

Is overbooking efficient from the airlines standpoint : Airlines are willing to overbook flights because they know that people who make reservations do not always show up.
Provide a brief summary of the conflict situation : Provide a brief summary of the conflict situation. Describe how leaders can contribute to conflict resolution in this situation.
What was the intended purpose of the basel accord : What is capital adequacy regulation? What was the intended purpose of the Basel Accord?
Critique the key provisions of antitrust legislation : Defend or critique the key provisions of antitrust legislation in the United States. Analyze the major ways in which quality issues in health care affect.
How the given lessons will enhance your career : What assignments from this course aligned with your profession? How can the lessons you have learned positively affect your career success.
Identify major ethical problems which are strongly connected : Identify two major ethical problems which are strongly connected with your chosen global sustainability issue.
Discuss the relevant elements in the formation of a contract : SIN does not accept the responsibility for any loss or damage the performer or his property howsoever caused during the rehearsals or actual open house.
How much will unsecured creditors get back : LAW205: If Ravi is successful, how much will unsecured creditors get back? What options are available to the administrator?
Describe the players and relationships : Analyze this case using models and principles from Organizational Behavior/Management. Describe the players, their styles/behaviors and relationships.


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