How society has impacted by evolution of geologic theories

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131524365

Science Assignment- California Geology & Society

Can you write A 1⁄2 page topic summary is due on June 7th, please?

Term Paper:

The term paper is to be on a topic of your choice as long as you can relate it to the geology of California or how society has been impacted by the evolution of geologic theories or how society has been affected by a geologic process. Societal impact can include topics such as discovery of gold, petroleum and other resources or how geological hazards affect communities. (12 pt font, 1 inch margins, double spaced, not including figures). Since the papers are short, I urge you to give thought to them and to cite references (bibliography Consider writing in a memo, or editorial format if you wish. Approach this assignment seriously because short papers can be more difficult than you think and the grader will be unforgiving.

Reference no: EM131524365

Questions Cloud

Explain the discrete probability distributions : A friend of yours has just learned about Monte Carlo simulation methods and has asked you to do a simulation of a complicated decision problem to help.
Explain positive psychology : Explain positive psychology. Evaluate at least 2 personal strengths of yours as they relate to human motivation.
Implementing culture change in food service : Examine the main structural and process changes that will be required to design and implement family-style dining at this facility
How does her optimal order quantity change : Leah Sanchez might have a different objective than maximizing expected profit. How does her optimal order quantity change if her objective is to minimize.
How society has impacted by evolution of geologic theories : The geology of California or how society has been impacted by the evolution of geologic theories or how society has been affected by a geologic process.
Correlating assignment submissions : Complete the following tasks and submit it to the correlating assignment submissions folder. Supply screenshots to support your answers.
Discuss roles and boundaries in helping relationships : Discuss roles and boundaries in helping relationships. Examine the challenges and potentially unethical implications of multiple relationships with clients.
An increased risk for the spread of hiv : Which populations are at an increased risk for the spread of HIV/AIDS? Support your answer.
Describe your future goals based on the transferable skills : Describe your future goals based on the transferable skills that you've chosen to showcase


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