How should the companys security be improved

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131461031

Security Breach at TJX


Research the data breach forTJXand answer the questions below via a paper. The object of this assignment is to answer the questions below but you need justify your answer by citing points within your research as well as citing points from your sources.

1. How should the company's security be improved and strengthen?

2. What should its short-term priorities and long term plans be?


Deliverable - Your paper should be at least 1 pages, 1.5 spaced, 1-inch margins, New Times Roman 12-Pitch font, and a reference page.

Verified Expert

One of the main reasons that lead to the breach is that the company’s IT framework was feeble and poorly safeguarded. Hiring a security officer would help to design, succeed and control the complete information security plan.

Reference no: EM131461031

Questions Cloud

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4/13/2017 4:51:45 AM

Hi there, please have a look at the assignment doc. The paper should be at least 1 page, 1.5 spacing, font 12 (NOT 13.5) . And it is due in 15 hours. Thank you The object of this assignment is to answer the questions below but you need justify your answer by citing points within your research as well as citing points from your sources.

Write a Review

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