How reliable and credible does the source seem

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Reference no: EM132452238

Discussion Question: One Entry in the Annotated Bibliography

In this discussion, you will find one (1) source and create an annotated bibliography entry for that source. Essentially, you are going to be writing an explanation of a research source you intend to use. You should focus on an issue related to your chosen career or area of study. The entry should include a reference and an annotation. The annotation will summarize the source and then discuss how you plan to use it in your essay. You should be able to use this source in your final argument essay,

In response to your classmates, explain why or why not the source would be a good choice to use in their argument essay. How reliable, academic, and credible does the source seem?

Reference no: EM132452238

Questions Cloud

Describe the cultural differences and language barriers : Within these health care programs, do cultural differences and language barriers such as the ones experienced by the Lee family have an impact on health care.
What is the unit OH cost for basketballs : Doug Brown's Corporation manufactures soccer balls and basketballs. What is unit OH cost for basketballs if the total OH cost is allocated based on labor hours
Post an explanation you could use to evaluate alignment : Post an explanation of the criteria you could use to evaluate alignment between data collection methods and other research components, such as the problem.
Identify the moral issue and the parties involved : Identify the moral issue(s) and the parties involved. Discuss the moral issues you have identified in terms of two the following: utility, duties, rights.
How reliable and credible does the source seem : In response to your classmates, explain why or why not the source would be a good choice to use in their argument essay. How reliable, academic, and credible.
Calculate the adjusted cash balance per books on April : Notes receivable and interest collected by bank 5210 and Cash balance per books, 4/30 $15500. Calculate the adjusted cash balance per books on April 30
What events and people influenced the decision : TSW decide one's own rationale for desiring to become a teacher by writing a two and half to three page essay on what events and people influenced the decision.
Costa rican rain forest : For this assignment you are to critically assess Merck's deal with INBio. Was it ethically justifiable? Why or why not?
Dismissing the existence of god : Which of these general approaches to jurisprudence works best with our American commitment to freedom of religion and why?


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