How might the impact of covid-19 impact the system

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Reference no: EM132584050 , Length: word count:2800

Assessment 1- Essay

Explain the sources of business law in Australia. In your answer you should refer to the federal and state systems. In light of the impact of Covid-19, in your opinion how might this impact the system of business law in Australia. The following structure might guide your approach: 1. Provide a short description of the sources of business law in Australia. 2. Identify and evaluate the relevant sections of the Constitution and legislation, if appropriate. 3. How might the impact of Covid-19 impact the system of business law in Australia? Briefly identify your opinion and explain why that is your view. 4. Use academic sources to support your position and answers. The grading rubric for this essay considers your ability to accurately summarise the sources of law, identify the correct, relevant sections of legislation and to briefly and clearly explain your conclusion.

Assessment 2 -

Explain the sources of business law in Australia. In your answer you should refer to the federal and slate systems. In the light of covid-19, in your opinion how might this impact the system of business law in Australia.

1. Provide a short description of the sources of business law in Australia.

2. Identify and evaluate the relevant sections of the contribution and legislation. If appropriate.

3. How might the impact of covid-19 impact the system of business law in Australia? Briefly identify your academic sources to support your position.

Reference no: EM132584050

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