How might the group raise its potential performance

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132671664

Question: Think of a group you are currently a member of-a work group, a club, or any other group you belong to and actively participate in. Briefly describe the group. Then answer each of these questions:

1. What process losses are experienced in this group? Why?

2. What process gains are experienced in this group? Why?

3. Does the actual performance of this group equal its potential performance? Why or why not?

4. How might this group raise its potential performance?

5. Is social loafing a problem in this group? Why or why not?

6. How would you characterize the major tasks performed by this group in terms of Thompson's model of task interdependence?

7. Is this a cohesive group? Why or why not?

8. Does cohesiveness help or hinder the group's performance?

9. Are group goals aligned with any larger organizational goals?

Reference no: EM132671664

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