How economic efficiency could be balanced with equity

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133288150


Cost-benefit analysis can be used in environmental and natural resource policy making and such an approach can be efficient, though a strictly efficient policy can also produce inequitable impacts. Tell the class how economic efficiency could be balanced with equity considerations in environmental or natural resource policy making and explain why.

Reference no: EM133288150

Questions Cloud

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What is a an environmental issue : What is a an environmental issue that I can do for a science experiment on. What materials would I need and what steps should I follow.
Explain presence and relative abundance of different species : Explain why the presence and relative abundance of different species may vary between 2 nearby areas, even if the areas appear similar.
How economic efficiency could be balanced with equity : Tell the class how economic efficiency could be balanced with equity considerations in environmental or natural resource policy making and explain why.
How would counter preserving forest would harm the economy : How would you counter the argument that preserving the forest would harm the economy by causing a loss of jobs in the timber industry?
Why does still serve a problem in filipino community today : Why does it still serve as a big problem in the Filipino community today? Please provide data or case studies to support your explanation on this.
Assess occupational radiation exposur : A case-control study was conducted to assess whether occupational radiation exposure among men was associated with Down syndrome in their children.
Exists between workers in uranium mines-loss of fertility : Conducted to determine if an association exists between workers in uranium mines and loss of fertility due to reduced sperm count.


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