How does the software facilitate group interaction

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Reference no: EM132578590

Assignment: Instructions: The length of your essay response should be 800 words.

You must also include screenshots from your account in the application to support your points.

In recent years there has been incredible growth in the number of software applications that have been designed to help support project management and project management teams. These software options are quite diverse, with individual applications being designed to fit both particular industries as well as different types of project groups with varying constituencies and makeups. With this huge variety of applications available, it is important for project managers to understand the capabilities of several systems, as well as being able to select a system that best meets the needs of the project team that they are managing. In some cases, project groups will use pre-selected software packages, but in other groups, the project manager may have the liberty to select applications that are the best fit for that team.
In this assignment, we will be evaluating web-based project management tools that are primarily designed to help manage team interaction and project reporting.

Choose one of the services listed below and write a short review of its features and benefits. Be sure to include the following in your evaluation:

• Are the features of this software?

• How does this software facilitate group interaction?

• How does this software facilitate the sharing of files or project updates?

• Who do you believe is the primary Market for this service?

• Thinking about your own project, with this software be a good fit? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM132578590

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