How does the benefit work in the united states

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Reference no: EM132483179

Assignment: Step 1) Select a country (NOT the United States, Canada, Mexico, or China). Look up information about employee benefit practices in that country. Select specific employee benefits and compare and contrast them with similar benefits in the United States. Provide industry and/or employer examples (by name), if possible. Select a different country than your classmates. Also focus on different benefits (if possible) than those chosen by your classmates.

Step 2) Answer the following 5 questions using question and answer (Q&A) format for your response; in other words, include the original question along with your response. Within your post support your responses with information from at least 2 reputable sources (library and/or Web-based), and provide the full citation at the end. Use APA format for your references. Share your own personal experiences if applicable.

1. What country other than the United States, Mexico, Canada, or China did you analyze?

2. What specific benefit did you analyze? Describe it.

3. How does the benefit work in the United States?

4. How is the benefit in the country identified in Question 1 similar to the benefit in the United States?

5. How is the benefit in the country identified in Question 1 different from the benefit in the United States?

Reference no: EM132483179

Questions Cloud

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Calculate the companys interest tax shield : Assuming the company's EBIT is $1,600,000 ($1,200,000-$400,000), calculate the income tax the company would pay on EBIT.
How does the benefit work in the united states : Select a country (NOT the United States, Canada, Mexico, or China). Look up information about employee benefit practices in that country.
Determine the company total amount of equity at dec : Determine which approximate fair values. In its Year 1 statement of equity, the company total amount of equity at Dec 31, Year 1 is
What is the likelihood that the person is using the drug : A random person tests positive. What is the likelihood that the person is using the drug?
What is the likelihood that the person : A random person tests positive. What is the likelihood that the person is using the drug?
What is the z value for the upper : a) What is the z value for the upper 90% for the proportion of students who had used illicit drug during the last year?


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