How does an understanding of the humanities impact your life

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Reference no: EM131524711


For this assessment, complete the following:

• Compile a list of twenty significant cultural developments from the past. You may use the Personal Significance activities to help assemble this list: Describe the cultural developments you noted and then evaluate their application to modern life.

• Notice any compelling themes here. Are there any common themes or persistent forms of expression, or especially vital historical periods among your choices? Think about what the items you selected say about who you are and what gives your life meaning.

• Consider how these developments impact your everyday life in a personal way. The cultural background of humanities disciplines provide some structure, of course, but what really matters are your own feelings, perceptions, thoughts, and decisions. How does an understanding of the humanities impact your life?

• How do you integrate the philosophical, religious, and aesthetic values of the humanities into daily living?

Additional Requirements

• Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

• APA formatting: Your paper should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.

• Length: 8-10 typed pages.

PERSONAL SIGNIFICANCE-should be used to compile list

The four card sort exercises in this course are designed to help you discover and prioritize expressions of the humanities that have special significance for you. The items in these activities present a variety of things from the historical periods we've been studying together. As you a this exercise, try not to think about what you think you "should" choose. Reflecting and choosing honestly will help you to gather the most meaningful information.

• Revelation-Divine disclosure of sacred knowledge
• Ritual-Repeated activity intended to evoke religious feeling
• Supernatural-Experience of reality that transcends observations of the natural world
• Judaism-Monotheistic religion of the Hebrew nation
• Covenant-Contractual agreement between a community and their deity
• Canon-Body of literature selected as religious scripture
• Buddhism-Belief in self-renunciation as a method of escaping human suffering
• Siddhartha Gautama-Indian prince who sought enlightenment
• Christianity-Religion founded on the life and teachings of Jesus
• Paul-Developed a theological structure for Christianity
• Monasticism-Ascetic withdrawal from the secular world
• Islam-Religion focused on the relationship between a community and Allah
• Muhammad-Arab merchant whose teachings form the basis for Islam
• Qur'an-Islamic scripture of the teachings of Muhammad
• Beowulf-Epic poem in vernacular Old English
• Charlemagne-Frankish king who established the Holy Roman Empire
• Feudalism-Medieval economic structure with serfs and nobles
• Norman conquest-French invasion of Anglo-Saxon England
• Church and state-Medieval coordination of religious and secular interests
• Polyphony-Musical performance with multiple melodic lines
• Romanesque and Gothic-Medieval styles of Christian architecture
• Dante-Italian author of an account of the afterlife in the Divine Comedy
• Francis of Assisi-Early humanist who founded an order of mendicant friars
• Porcelain-Translucent ceramic ware perfected by the Chinese
• Iconography-Use of religious symbols by medieval Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists.

Reference no: EM131524711

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