How do you think the demands and technologies differ

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Reference no: EM131549268

Question: For years, Victoria has been torn between the desire to practice nursing in the vibrant,metropolitan city, or in her peaceful, mountainous hometown in the country with her family. She wonders how the two experiences differ. How do the demands differ? How does the technology differ? To learn more about these differences, she explores a variety of education scenarios, including computer-based virtual reality, simulations, and real life scenarios in both urban and rural settings. How do you think the demands and technologies differ? How can virtual reality, simulations, and real life scenarios be designed to provide optimal education for nursing students? How might they be integrated into the nursing school curriculum to increase patient, practitioner, and hospital safety?

1: How do you think the demands and technologies differ?

2: How can virtual reality, simulations, and real life scenarios be designed to provide optimal education for nursing students?

3: How might they be integrated into the nursing school curriculum to increase patient, practitioner, and hospital safety?


Reference the "Turnitin Requirement" section of the course Syllabus (or Using Turnitin for Assignments on the Topic List Page) for general instructions. Upload both your assignment and the originality report within the assignment link.
Case Study from Chapter 20's online course materials: Nursing Informatics and Nursing Education (first half only, paragraph 1 in reference to Victoria).

To access the case study, log into the textbook's online course materials. Below the Home tab, you will find the Student Resources section. Select Case Studies and open the case study for Chapter 20.

Purpose and Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to describe the use of technology tools and delivery modalities used in nursing education, to compare and contrast knowledge assessment methods, and to explore knowledge acquisition and sharing.


Develop a 750- to 1500-word paper (3 to 5 pages) answering the questions below and including a synopsis of the case study at the beginning of the assignment. You should also provide a minimum of three in-text citations and associated references when answering the questions, being mindful of the standards of care and scope of practice for nursing informatics, HIPAA, the Joint Commission, and other regulatory agencies.

1) How do you think the demands and technologies differ?

2) How can virtual reality, simulations, and real-life scenarios be designed to provide optimal education for nursing students?

3) How might they be integrated into the nursing school curriculum to increase patient, practitioner, and hospital safety?


Reference no: EM131549268

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