How do various definitions apply in your school or workplace

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Reference no: EM132167102

Assignment 2: Discussion Question

By the due date assigned, go to the Discussion Area and post responses to the discussion question.

Use the Internet to conduct research on how leading thinkers define the terms multiculturalism and diversity. Compare and contrast the definitions provided in the lecture with those of other leading thinkers. Do they differ significantly? Do your ideas of multiculturalism and diversity match those of the leading thinkers? How do these various definitions apply in your school or workplace?

Support your responses with relevant citations, using proper APA format, both from the course materials, as well as outside resources. All discussion questions should be posted to the appropriate topic in this

Discussion Area. Be sure to use vocabulary that is relevant to the topic.

Through the end of the module, comment on at least two of your peers' responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. All comments should be posted to the appropriate topic in this

Discussion Area.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Reference no: EM132167102

Questions Cloud

Good estimate of the proportion of her listener : Is the confidence interval likely to give a good estimate of the proportion of her listener who support the legislation?
Discuss about the incorporating strategies : Students using the Madeline Hunter's Lesson Plan format create a reading lesson plan of a reading skill, incorporating strategies that enhance comprehension.
What would be the cutoff score for selecting the top : What would be the cutoff score for selecting the top 10% of applicants, assuming that the standardized test is normally distributed?
What is your interpretation : Suppose that out of 40 students, twelve give the correct answer to the question. What is your interpretation?
How do various definitions apply in your school or workplace : Use the Internet to conduct research on how leading thinkers define the terms multiculturalism and diversity. Compare and contrast the definitions provided.
Correct interpretation of confidence interval : You also note that the footnote says this is based on a random sample performed by Gallup with 761 respondents.
Why this collaboration would benefit the client : The human services professional, similarly, might consult a social worker to discuss financial assistance options for the client and his or her family.
Prepare a list of open-ended interview questions : Your final project for this course requires you to present a complete and comprehensive analysis of your home school district, the district you are employed by.
Provide a description of a course that you plan to develop : Describe the target learners, discussing at least three (3) unique needs and / or challenges the online learners face.


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